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Help of the volunteers is needed in preparations, promotion and during the festival.
Among the benefits of helping to organize this kind of international event are meetings with interesting people, a chance to see how the process of preparing such a festival looks behind the scenes, a possibility of seeing many interesting films from all around the world and gaining the experience that may profit in the future.
All information regarding the volunteer work please direct here:

For five years the festival has participated in the National Culture Centre’s program „Kurs na kulturę“ – we offer three monthly unpaid internships to students, who will gain practical knowledge regarding the organization of the cultural events.
All information regarding the internship please direct here:

Gdańsk DocFilm Festival
ul. Wały Piastowskie 24, 80-855 Gdańsk

© 2013-25 Gdańsk DocFilm Festival

realizacja: Studio-a-Propos & Piotr Kawecki