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11 edition

Selected films – competition, panorama and special section (dis)ability
20 titles selected for the documentary competition.


1. All for the Good of the World and Nošovice!
Czech Republic I dir. Vit Klusák I 2012 I 52’

2. Bahrain, the Forbidden Country
France I dir. Stéphanie Lamorré I 2012 I 53’

3. Blood Brother
USA I dir. Steve Hoover I 2012 I 93’

4. Freestyle Life
Poland I dir. Adam Palenta I 2012 I 10’

5. The Girl from the South
Argentina I dir. José Luis García I 2012 I 92’

6. Katka
Czech Republic I dir. Helena Trestikova I 2012 I 92’

7. Life In Stills
Israel I dir. Tamara Tal I 2011 I 58’

8. Little World
Spain I dir. Marcel Barrena I 2012 I 83’

9. Losing Sonia
Poland I Radka Franczak I 2012 I 50’

10. Man at War
Poland I dir. Jacek Bławut I 2012 I 75’

11. My Godfather, His Thai Bride and Me
Finland I dir. Wille Hyvonen I 2012 I 58’

12. Nirvana Fish
Poland I dir. Marcin Klinger I 2013 I 15’

13. One Billion Happy People
Poland I dir. Maciej Bochniak I 2012 I 60’

14. The Only Son
Netherlands I dir. Simonka de Jong I 2012 I 78’

15. Percebeiros – Sea Bites
Spain I dir. David Beriain I 2011 I 11’

16. The Punk Syndrome
Finland, Norway, Sweden I dir. J. Kärkkäinen I 2012 I 85’

17. Red Wedding
Cambodia, France I dir. Guillaume Soun, Lida Chan I 2012 I 58’

18. The Ridge
Spain I dir. Migueltxo Molina, Pablo Iraburu I 2012 I 81’

19. Summer with Anton
Belgium I dir. Jasna Krajinovic I 2012 I 60’

20. Tomorrow
Russia I drr. Andrey Gryazev I 2012 I 89’

21. Where Heaven Meets Hell
USA I dir. Sasha Friedlander I 2012 I 80’

22. The Whistle
Poland I dir. Grzegorz Zariczny I 2012 I 17’

II. Panorama
13. Ab Ovo
Poland I dir. Piotr Janiszewski I 2011 I 6’

14. Czech Peace
Czech Republic I dir. Vit Klusák, Filip Remunda I 2010 I 57’

15. Dream of San Juan
Poland I dir. Jan Paweł Trzaska, Joaquin del Paso I 2012 I 45’

16. Future My Love
Great Britain / Sweden I dir. Maja Borg I 2012 I 93’

17. Grandma Lo-Fi
Iceland I dir. Kristín Björk Kristjánsdóttir, Orri Jónsson, Ingibjörg Birgisdóttir I 2012 I 62’

18. Kyrkogardso
Switzerland / Finland I dir. Joakim Chardonnens I 2012 I 23’

19. One Day After Peace
Israel / South Africa I dir. Miri Laufer, Erez Laufer I 2012 I 86’

20. Optimist
Poland I dir. Kryspin Pluta I 2012 I 44’

21. The Palace
Poland I dir. Tomasz Wolski I 2012 I 83’

22. Rogalik
Poland I dir. Pawel Ziemilski I 2012 I 18’

23. Soundbreaker
Finland I dir. Kimmo Koskela I 2011 I 85’

24. Winter, Go Away!
Russia I dir. Alexey Zhiryakov, Denis Klebleev, Askold Kurov, Dmitry Kusabov, Nadezhda Leontieva, Anna Moiseenko, Madina Mustafina, Zosya Rodkevich, Anton Seryogin, Elena Khoreva, Yuri Geddert I 2012 I 79’


7. Dancing with Dogs
Poland I dir. Izabela Szukalska I 2011 I 14’

8. Ebb and Flow
Brazil I dir. Gabriel Mascaro I 2012 I 29’

9. I Am Fighter
Poland I dir. Anna Więckowska I 2012 I 46’

10. Jimmy
Scotland I dir. Martin Smith I 2011 I 12’

11. My Way to Olympia NIE MA ZGŁOSZENIA
Germany I dir. Niko von Glasow I 2013 I 83’

12. Sounds for Mazin
Netherlands I dir. Ingrid Kamerling I 2012 I 19’

Gdańsk DocFilm Festival
ul. Wały Piastowskie 24, 80-855 Gdańsk

© 2013-25 Gdańsk DocFilm Festival

realizacja: Studio-a-Propos & Piotr Kawecki