Author Archives: Piotr
19th edition of GDFF is cancelled
We are very sorry to have to inform you that the 19th edition of Gdansk DocFilm Festival which was due to take place on 10-13 November 2021 has had to be cancelled due to reasons beyond our control.
We would like to thank all filmmakers who have submitted their films to take part in this year’s competition, but due to insufficient funding we are not able to hold the Main Competition this year.
Please accept our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this has caused and we look forward to being able to organise the next edition of Gdansk DocFilm Festival in the future.
Kind regards,
Festival Organisers
We are waiting for submissions for Polish short fiction films
Call for entry for next year’s, 19th Gdansk DocFilm Festival, for Polish short fiction films is now open and will close on March 31th 2021.
The entry form is available on our website Entry form
The films will compete for the Gdańsk Cranes award as well as for the financial prize.
The 19th edition of the Gdańsk Docfilm Festival will take place on on 10 – 13 November 2021 at the Baltic Sea Cultural Center.
Competition entries for documentary films are available at: FilmFreeway
19th edition of Gdańsk DocFilm Festival
The 19th editon of Gdańsk DocFilm Festival will take place on 10 – 13 November 2021 at the Baltic Sea Cultural Center.
For four days we will show the most interesting documentary films from all over the world that will compete for the main prize – The Gate of Freedom.
Competition entries for documentary films are now for doavailable at: FilmFreeway
The short film submission form is available on the festival’s website
Winners of the 18th edition of Gdańsk DocFilm Festival
Poznaliśmy laureatów 18. edycji Gdańsk DocFilm Festival!
„Synek” triumfatorem 18. GDFF w Konkursie Głównym
„We mnie” zwycięża w Konkursie Polskich Krótkometrażowych Filmów Fabularnych
Zakończył się 18. Gdańsk DocFilm Festival, który w dniach 30.11 – 02.12. 2020 odbywał się, po raz pierwszy w historii, wyłącznie on-line. Wszystkie filmy konkursowe i obrazy prezentowane podczas pokazów specjalnych dostępne były na platformie Podobnie jak w latach minionych odbyły się dwa konkursy: Polskich Krótkometrażowych Filmów Fabularnych oraz Konkurs Główny, w którym zaprezentowane zostały obrazy dokumentalne z całego świata. Wszystkie te filmy oceniało trzyosobowe jury w składzie: Wiesław Saniewski – reżyser, scenarzysta i producent filmowy (Przewodniczący), Katarzyna Boniecka – montażystka filmowa i Andreas Voigt – reżyser i producent filmów dokumentalnych.
Po obejrzeniu 15 obrazów dokumentalnych w Konkursie Głównym i również 15 w Konkursie Polskich Krótkometrażowych Filmów Fabularnych jurorzy postanowili przyznać następujące nagrody:
W Konkursie Głównym Filmów Dokumentalnych Grand Prix otrzymał Paweł Chorzępa za film „Synek”. Laureat odebrał wirtualnie czek na 20 000 złotych z rąk zastępczyni prezydenta miasta Gdańska Moniki Chabior oraz statuetkę „Bramę Wolności”. Jury tak uzasadniło przyznanie nagrody: „Za subtelny i poruszający obraz prawdziwego (a nie fikcyjnego) dramatu rodzinnego ludzi, dla których takie uczucia jak bliskość, miłość rodzicielska, nadzieja – wydawały się być tylko odległą teorią, a tymczasem …
The 18th Gdańsk DocFilm Festival awards gala
We invite you to the broadcast of the awards gala of the 18th edition of Gdańsk DocFilm Festival available on Facebook .
Festival tickets and passes online
From November 30, 2020 from At 9:00 am you can buy tickets and festival passes on the platform.
Festival pass PLN 15 – access to all films for 24 hours according to the Festival program
Festival ticket PLN 5 – access to 1 film for 24 hours
The programme of the 18th edition of Gdańsk DocFilm Festival
We are pleased to present the official programme of the 18th edition of Gdańsk DocFilm Festival.
All competition films, as well as images displayed as part of special screenings, will be available online on the platform after purchasing a ticket from November 30, 2020 from 9:00 am.
Festival pass PLN 15 – access to all films for 24 hours according to the Festival program
Festival ticket PLN 5 – access to 1 film for 24 hours
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Download the program in pdf format here.
18th Gdańsk DocFilm Festival online only
Due to the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting sanitary restrictions, the 18th edition of the Gdańsk DocFilm Festival will be conducted exclusively online. All competition films and images presented during the screenings and available to you on the MOJEeKINO platform after purchasing a ticket from November 30, 2020 from 9:00 am.
Festival pass 15 PLN – access to all films for 24 hours according to the Festival program
Festival ticket 5 PLN – access to 1 film for 24 hours
Juries of the festival competitions
We would like to present jury of 18th edition of Gdańsk DocFilm Festival, composed of:
1. Wiesław Saniewski – Head of Jury 18. GDFF
2. Katarzyna Boniecka – Member of Jury
Wiesław Saniewski
Film editor, Lecturer, Editing Consultant
Director, writer. He was born on October 29, 1948, in Wrocław. Graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry of the University of Wrocław, where he received a diploma in 1971 with a degree in mathematics. He studied at the Łódź Film School (graduated in 1980).
He was a member of the 81/2 Academic Film Club. In 1971, he made the short Wielki świat/Big World, awarded at the student film festival in Katowice. He started as a film journalist. In the years 1974-1981, he was in charge of the film section of the magazine “Opole”, then “Odra”. He was awarded the Karol Irzykowski Award for his publications (1975). He is the author of reportages Pierwszy stopień do piekła/The First Step To Hell (1978) and film essays published as Wróżenie z kina/ Fortune Telling with Cinema (1978) and Niewinność utracona w kinie/Innocence Lost In The Cinema (1981).
In 1977, he joined the “X” Film Studio. He was assistant to Andrzej Wajda, Sylwester Chęciński and Wojciech Marczewski. His debut was a television film, about a journalist for the independent press, titled Wolny strzelec/Freelancer (1981), not broadcast until 1987. In his work, he raises issues of imprisonment and ¬– usually …
Katarzyna Boniecka
Film editor, Lecturer, Editing Consultant
In 2015, she graduated in film editing at the Film School in Łódź, Poland. As a freelancer, she edits documentaries, feature films, short films and animations. Her films have been shown and awarded at many international film festivals, including: Special Jury Sundance Award for the film “Object”, IDFA ARRI Award for the film “When Will This Wind Stop”, Grand Prix of the WFF for the film “The First Pole on Mars” and the Grand Prix VIS for “To Fly or Not To Fly”.
She received four individual ‘Jan Machulski Polish Independent Film Awards’ in Best Editing category. She is a graduate of Berlinale Talents, she also took part in the Visegrad Film Forum, Structural Constellations, Professional Media Master Class and dok.incubator workshops.
For 5 years she lectured with Jacek Bławut at the directing department of the Film School in Łódź, Poland. She also works as a tutor at Polish and international film editing workshops, including Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine and Turkey. She is also an editing consultant for feature films and documentaries, including “Unconditional Love” dir. R. Łysak, “19 | 91” dir. E. Śniegoska, “The Voices” dir. E. Mizutani.
Andreas Voigt
Born in Eisleben, East Germany, 1953. Grown up in Dessau .
Studied Physics in Cracow, Poland Studied national economy in Berlin, Germany
Work as an editor and scriptwriter at the DEFA – Documentary Film Studio.
Studied directing at the University for Film and Television in Potsdam-Babelsberg
From 1987 to 1991 work as film director and scriptwriter at the DEFA-Documentary Film Studio in Berlin
After the film studio was closed – as a consequence of German unification – working as independent film director, scriptwriter and producer for television, cinema, private companies and government organizations
Awards (selection)
• Bavarian Film Award 2016 for the best German documentary
• Silver Wolf, IDFA, Amsterdam International Film Festival, Netherlands
• Grand Prix, Earth Vision Film Festival, Tokyo, Japan
• Grand Prix for Documentary, Festival du Film de Strasbourg, France
• Dow, Leipzig International Documentary Film Festival, Germany
• Golden Coins, Roshd International Film Festival, Teheran
• Adolf-Grimme-Preis, Award for the best Documentary in German Television
• Prize of the DEFA-Foundation, Germany, 2009 Filmwork in: France, Georgia, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, India, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Syria, USA
Teaching documentary film making: USA (Eastman School for Music, Rochester) Canada (University of Toronto) Singapore (Film Department Ngee Ann) Syria (Damascus High School for Television) India, …
Change of date and place 18th edition of Gdańsk DocFilm Festival
Due to changes in the dates of other festivals (including the Polish Film Festival in Gdynia), the 18th edition of the Gdańsk DocFilm Festival will finally take place on November 30 – December 2, 2020 at The Baltic Sea Cultural Centre.
Films qualified to the competitions of the 18th Gdańsk DocFilm Festival
We have already come to know the films qualified for the Main Competition of the 18th
edition of Gdańsk DocFilm Festival. Out of 130 documentary paintings, the selectors
chose 15 titles to compete for the award, the Liberty Gate statuette and 20 000 PLN.
Here they are:
1. „I need the handshakes” | Belarus, Poland | dir. Andrei Kutsila | 2020 | 18 min.
2. „My country so beautiful” | Poland | dir. Grzegorz Paprzycki | 2019 | 29 min.
3. „The Rag King” | Italy | dir. Allesandro Di Ronza | 2019 | 55 min.
4. „Weirdy” | Poland | dir. Paweł Dyllus | 2019 | 30 min.
5. „We have one heart” | Poland | dir. Katarzyna Warzecha | 2020 | 11 min.
6. „Tales from the Prison Cell” | Hungary, Croatia, Great Britain | dir. Abel Visky | 2020 | 82 min.
7. „The Fear” | Poland | dir. Pawlina Carlucci Sforza | 2020 | 28 min.
8. „Shadow Flowers” | South Korea | dir. Seung-jun Yi | 2019 | 109 min.
9. „Today, tomorrow…yesterday” | Poland | dir. Diana Kadłubowska, Krzysztof Kadłubowski | 2019 | 53 min.
10. „The Golden Land” | Slovakia | dir. Dominik Jursa | 2020 | 63 min.
11. „Dad You’ve Never Had” | Poland | …
Info about qualified films in september
Please be informed, that the lists of images qualified for both competitions: Polish short feature films and the international documentary film competition will be published on our website on September 14, 2020.
Submission deadline has passed
The submission deadline for the Polish short feature films and documentaries of the 18th edition of Gdańsk DocFilm Festival has passed.
We would like to thank all the creators for their submissions.
Extension of the submission deadline
The deadline for submitting Polish feature films and documentaries to the 18th edition of the Gdańsk DocFilm Festival has been extended to 15 July 2020.
The entry form is for Polish Feature films is available on our website.
Competition entries for documentary films are available at FilmFestivalLife platform.
Become a sponsor
Świadczenia dla Partnera Głównego 18 Gdańsk DocFilm Festival
Wartość pakietu partnerskiego – 30 tyś. zł.
Logo Partnera we wszystkich publikacjach materiałach reklamowych dotyczących GDFF, plakatach, format B1, przewidywany nakład: 500 sztuk
Całostronicowa, kolorowa reklama w katalogu GDFF (okładka), nakład 1000 egzemplarzy, kolportaż 10 000 flayersów, ulotek i innych materiałów promocyjnych
Logo Partnera na bannerach, roll-upach dostarczonych przez Sponsora w Przestrzeni Festiwalowej, w tym w ECS, miejscu debat i w miejscach wydarzeń okołofestiwalowych
Logo Partnera i oficjalne informacje na stronie internetowej Gdańsk DocFilm Festival wraz z aktywnym linkiem do strony Sponsora ( )
Balony dostarczone przez Sponsora – unoszące się w ECS z logo Partnera – Partner Mecenasem Kultury
Balony z logo Partnera wręczane spacerowiczom (szczególnie z dziećmi) + ulotki
Duże powiewające flagi z logo Partnera zamocowane na wejściu do ECS
Specjalne 2 metrowe standy Partnera lub balon reklamowy umieszczony w przestrzeni ECS lub poza nim dostarczone przez Partnera
Możliwość STOISKA PROMOCYJNEGO Partnera – możliwość zaprezentowania swojej oferty (pozyskania nowych klientów), szczególne dotarcie do młodych ludzi i pozyskanie ich sympatii
Liczne ekspozycje Partnera w relacjach z imprezy przeprowadzanych przez patronów medialnych (internet, telewizja, radio, prasa)
Możliwość przeprowadzenia ankiet przez Partnera oraz rozdawania gadżetów – długopisów, breloczków i innych, dostarczonych przez Sponsora
Możliwość zorganizowania dodatkowych konkursów w ramach Festiwalu promujących Partnera za sugestią …
We are waiting for submissions for Polish short fiction films
Call for entry for next year’s, 18th Gdansk DocFilm Festival, for Polish short fiction films is now open and will close on 30th June 2020.
The entry form is available on our website Entry form
The films will compete for the Gdańsk Cranes award as well as for the financial prize.
The 18th edition of the Gdańsk Docfilm Festival will take place on 10-13 December 2020 at the European Solidarity Centre.
Competition entries for documentary films are available at: FilmFestivalLife
18th edition of Gdańsk DocFilm Festival
18th edition of Gdańsk DocFilm Festival
The 18th editon of Gdańsk DocFilm Festival will take place on 10 – 13 December 2020 at the European Solidarity Centre. For four days we will show the most interesting documentary films from all over the world that were made in years 2018 – 2020 and that will compete for the main prize – The Gate of Freedom.
Competition entries are now available at: FilmFestivalLife